
Compare pokemon and ivs
Compare pokemon and ivs

compare pokemon and ivs

PVP IV also shows differences between your Pokemon’s matchups and the Rank 1’s matchups to help you make these decisions. IV floors Wild Pokmon caught from wild encounters or GO Team Rocket Grunts Weather Boosted Pokmon caught with a weather boost Shadow Legend Pokmon caught.When the Pokemon performs better in specific key matchup(s) with a higher attack stat. The Pokemon Rater The following tool will help you learn your Pokemon's Individual Values (IV's) This calculator is simplified version of the talented /u/isitin's work.When the Pokemon’s maximum possible CP is near or below the CP limit.Note that there are some cases where you might not want a low attack IV: WHIRLWIND EXPLANATION: Pokémon have a fixed, permanent score from 0 to 31 for each stat that affects how good that stat can ever get. This is usually – but not always – associated with a higher win rate in actual battles and simulations. In general, the pattern we see is that the highest ranked Pokemon have low attack IVs but high defense and HP IVs, since this minimizes the impact the Pokemon’s attack has on its CP, allowing it to have a higher stat product while staying under the CP cap. So, when PVP IV shows a Pokemon is 98% Max and Rank 162, it mean that its stat product is 98% as high as it could be, and there are 161 other IV combinations with a higher stat product. What PVP IV’s ranker does is compute a Pokemon’s stat product and compare it to the stat product it could have with different IVs (while staying under the CP cap). Thus, the stat product equation is usually considered a more accurate metric for determining how strong a Pokemon actually is because it weighs all three stats equally: IVs is short for Individual Values, but what are they Simply put, they are a value from 0-31 that the pokemon are born with.

compare pokemon and ivs compare pokemon and ivs

They are the hidden added values to the base attack, defense, and. Pokmon have an IV for each of their three base stats: HP, Attack, and Defense. IVs are a set of three randomly generated fixed figures, each being any number from 0 to 15. However, in actual battles, it’s often – but not always – the case that all three stats are more or less equally valuable. In Pokmon GO, IVs have a range of 0 to 15. This calculator is designed to work with pokemon. All you need to know is that because of it, the attack stat and IV have a significantly larger impact on the Pokemon’s CP than its defense and HP stats/IVs. This calculator can be used to calculate the IVs of a Pokemon based on its current level, stats and nature. Psylab OmegaRuby AlphaSapphire X Y Black White Black2 White2 HeartGold SoulSilver Diamond Pearl Platinum FireRed LeafGreen Ruby Sapphire Emerald Gold Silver Crystal Red Blue Yellow Other Games Anime TCG POKEMON TOOLS - POKEMON COMPARER Choose your Pokemon: Page created in 0. To understand why, let’s look at the equation used to compute a Pokemon’s CP (note that CPM is a constant based on the Pokemon’s level):įully understanding this equation isn’t important. In these leagues, it’s usually preferable to have a low attack IV but high defense and HP IVs. However, when there’s a limit to how high your Pokemon’s CP can be, such as in Great and Ultra League, things are a little more complicated. And for Master League where there’s no CP limit, that’s certainly the case. This is a slightly more affordable league than Master league but is also not recommended for beginners. It is dominated by level 40 pseudo-legendaries with dual charge moves. At the far extreme, the difference between a Pokmon with 0 IV in a stat. Premier Cup is like Master League but does not allow Mythical or Legendary Pokemon. Voila! the specific Pokémon that fit your Search Term are the only ones displayed.It may seem intuitive that higher IVs result in a stronger Pokemon that’s better for PVP. You see, at Level 100, IVs contributes to an equivalent boost to the Pokmons stats.Click on the Poké Ball icon to open your Main Menu.Each corresponds to the Appraisal ratings above and they can be combined using "&" with a Pokémon's species, as well, to narrow the field even more. Pokémon Go has a number of Search Terms you can use to sort through your collection of Pokémon, but when it comes to IVs, there are five: "0 " for 50%, "1", "2 ", "3", and "4*". In Legends: Arceus, Pokemon don’t have Individual Values (IVs). While manually appraising each Pokémon gives you a breakdown of its three stats, when you're trying to go through a lot of Pokémon - say, on Community Day - Search Terms are a short cut you can use to narrow the field. The Base stats were used to dont work mathematically in Legends: Arceus, but they do still work as a comparative tool.

Compare pokemon and ivs