
Gemini and libra compatibility
Gemini and libra compatibility

Just remember those Orientals (Libra rules the Orient). For the Gemini lover or husband to attempt to impose any sort of restriction upon her would not be a wise idea. Over and over again, she will outmaneuver him by using his own trick of twisting his statements and intent, leaving him unable to pin down the flaw in her arguments because of her capacity for doing things with such subtlety, and it doesn’t seem she is doing anything at all, but fairly and justly defending her position.Ī Libra woman is as impatient of constraint as any of the twelve Sun Signs, though perhaps not quite as much so as Gemini, Aquarius, Sag and Aries. Then she has him at her mercy, while she claims tearfully that he is a brute, and his anger is certain evidence that he is wrong. Her intriguing mind which so attracted him in the beginning of the romance will later make her a dangerous opponent in a discussion, since she’s so skillful at the art of putting him at a disadvantage by arousing him into a display of temper, thereby causing him to lose his cool and poise. To Libra, all is fair in love and war between the sexes, and the female of the species, in this respect, is more deadly than the male. She didn’t mean to be unfair or deceptive.

gemini and libra compatibility

She’ll be surprised and hurt when he eventually sees through her, which he will, because no one, not even Libra, can fool the twinkling Gemini intellect for long. This is no fluffy bunny rabbit – this is a WAC field general!Ī Libra female will always manage to get her own way under the guise of fairness, femininity and helplessness, but Libra is, in the final analysis, a masculine sign.


After he has been led to think he has wooed and won her, after he allows her to harness his free spirit within the confining bonds of matrimony – (let other women play house in the New Age of sexual freedom, Libra females will settle only for a wedding ring) – after all that, he will discover that her gentle, soft, persuasive and amiable manner covers a cool, brilliant mind, a strong will, and a steely determination to get exactly what she wants. Now he meets a female who is more than his match at the game of guile, who gives him right back what he dishes out. Here he has spent all his life charming girls, weaving his way in and out of romances, making it seem it was always his partner’s fault, never his, glibly charming his way back into being friends again, and, in general, enjoying his enviable ability to handle every situation with a string of words from Webster’s accompanied by small-boy innocence. Yet, there is a certain poetic justice about it. It’s always amusing to watch a Gemini magician get fooled by one of his own magic tricks with a few new twists. And a Gemini man will seldom sacrifice his precious freedom for a woman who can’t anagram his thoughts and work crossword dreams with him. Whoever makes the initial approach, the laws of physics and chemistry soon take over, and these lovers will soon be turning airy dream castles into solid, substantial mortgages, because she smells so good, is so soft and cuddly, while he is so quick and bright and intelligent, and can beat her at chess and checkers.Ī Libra woman will seldom glance twice at a man beneath her intellectuality. Who wins this romantic game? It sometimes depends on which one has the stronger Moon sign, but usually it will be she, not he. It’s just as fascinating to watch an irresistible Libra female spilling clouds of gentle, helpless, femininity all over a poor Gemini man, convincing him that it’s his own idea to settle down and do the only sensible, logical thing after falling in love – get married, get a job, raise a family, and stay in one place with one person who can handle both of him – namely her. Doesn’t everything work both ways with Gemini and Libra?

gemini and libra compatibility gemini and libra compatibility

A Gemini male is irresistible when he is effortlessly magnetizing a poor Libra girl into deserting her nicely balanced life and pledging her heart to an uncertain future, flying in and out of ideas, towns, cities, and moods with him. It’s a 5-9 astrological fact, and there’s no room for argument.

Gemini and libra compatibility